...by leading humanity toward salvation and Christian growth

Our hope is that you are greeted by the presence of the Lord and His people as soon as you arrive on our property. It doesn't matter who you are or where you have come from, you will be loved. In the same token, we love you enough to not let you leave the same as you came. You will be welcomed with open arms and challenged to grow closer to the Lord each time you join our church family.
Weekly Services
Ministry Opportunities
Women's Ministry
The women's ministry plans one event/fellowship a month.
What is KOZ? KOZ stands for Kids Outdoor Zone. KOZ provides men of a local church with training and curriculum to mentor boys using outdoor adventure. Boys ages 8-18, we would love for you to join us for our next event at the church! See New Hope's Facebook page for the details on this month's meeting.
Ellie-Mae's Mission
Ellie-Mae's Mission was established after Zach and Britt lost their daughter at 30 weeks pregnant. The Lord put them on a mission to minister to moms and promote adoption.

Come Worship with Us!
We trust that you will experience God in a fresh new way today. We pray that our worship is one that will allow the individual worshiper freedom of expression opportunity to hear directly from God.
The goal of worship at New Hope is authenticity. Our desire is that everyone learns to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. In our worship services, you will find a blend of new worship songs as well as fresh arrangements of classics. We strive to be musically relevant while keeping our focus on Christ. At New Hope, we want to help you worship by placing your mind's attention and your heart's affection on God.