Picture a diverse collection of fully surrendered
and changed people
loving God and loving others.
They... live life freely ... knowing that it is not about them but ALL about
They... are so captivated by His never changing story that it compels them to share
the Good News
They... are Seed throwers and Fire starters.
They... offer hope and grace through the Cross
They... are risk takers and dreamers, young and OLD.
They... link arms with anyone who tells the story of Jesus.
They... empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast, and
seek the LOST
They... serve together, PLAY together, worship together, and live life together.
Their city will change because Godsent them.
They... are US!
The Authority of the Bible: We believe that the Bible is infallible, inerrant, and inspired by God.
Fellowship of the Church: We believe in the demonstration of God's love through the Christ-centered gathering of believers.
Preaching and Teaching: We believe the Bible is given to us by God to be preached and taught for enrichment, enlightenment, and inspiration.
Worship: We believe in Spirit-led worship that is relevant to today's culture and that frees us to respond to an experience with God.
Missions and Evangelism: We believe that every person should be given the opportunity to know and experience the love of Christ through our active participation and financial support of local, national and global missions.
Prayer: We believe that the power of personal and corporate prayer reveals God's will, restores brokenness, and releases us to do God's will.
Leadership: We believe that Spirit-led leaders provide Spirit-led people the opportunity to exercise their spiritual gifts through the support and ministries of the church.