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What is Axios?
Axios means Worthy. Students across our nation struggle with their worth, boys and girls alike. We want our students to know they have tremendous worth; not because of who they are, what they have or haven't done, but because of the only one "worthy" enough to take the scroll and break the seal, His name is Jesus. God showed our worth by sending His Son. His Son came to make us all worthy of the Kingdom, through Him and in Him.
Life Groups: 9:15 am
Worship: 10:30 am
Join us for fun, fellowship, worship, prayer, devotion, and games!

Meet our Youth Leaders

Our youth leaders, Mike and Jessica Metz, have hearts of gold and love investing in our middle and high school students. They challenge our students to stay connected to God's Word each and every day and own their own faith as they live as examples for Christ.
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