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1st Annual

Brinkley Smoke-off BBQ

Saturday May 14, 2022


Come join us for our 1st Annual Brinkley Smoke-off BBQ in honor of our friend Jerry Brinkley.

Tickets are just $6.00 - buy yours today!  Online purchase options through EasyTithe are explained below.

giveaways!  for Adults & kids!


Buying tickets is easy and just a couple clicks using our online giving provider (instruction below).  However, if you would like to buy tickets by check or other option directly, then contact the church.

To buy tickets using your PC on the EasyTithe Website:
click the BUY TICKETS button to be taken to the secure EasyTithe Smoke-Off Tickets page (a new browser tab will open).  Scroll down and fill out the form adding as many Guests as you want. Choose how you want to purchase your tickets and add the pertinent information. Submit the form and look for your email or text. Tickets are $6 each.

To buy tickets using the EasyTithe Mobile app on your phone:
If you already have the EasyTithe Mobile App installed on your phone, then open the app on your phone and the process is the same as when you give your tithe except for the FUND you will choose the BRINKLEY SMOKE-OFF BBQ and then give the total amount to purchase the number of tickets that you need at $6 each.
To Download/Install the EasyTithe Mobile app:
Choose the correct app store link below for your
phone type and search for "EasyTithe Giving" to
download/install the app on your phone. 
(right, Android/Google Play example)
After installation, in the app, you will search for
New Hope Baptist Church to link to your app.  You will also need to link your payment method. After the app is setup, then you will click the REDicon to add a new donation.  For the FUND you will choose the BRINKLEY SMOKE-OFF BBQ and then give the total amount to purchase the number of tickets that you need at $6 each.
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